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Debate Dodgers

Proposition Abbreviations:

  1. Pro, Nick affirms the proposition is true.

  2. Con, Nick affirms the proposition is false.

  3. Agn, Nick takes no position on the proposition (further clarification required)


Adam Singer

Social: @AdamSinger


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition: failed to state position clearly.


Amber O'Hearn

Social: @KetoCarnivore


  1. Discussion invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition: failed to state position clearly.


Ann Childers

Social: @AnnChildersMD


  1. Engaged in written debate via X and repeatedly dodged when pressed for specifics.

    • Proposition (Agn): "diets humans thrived on in the wild, sans dentists and doctors, are correct."


Anthony Gustin

Social: @dranthonygustin


  1. Debate invitation accepted via X with no follow-up.

    • Proposition (Pro): "seed oils are not a significant, independent risk factor for public health."


Ashwani Garg

Social: @agargmd


  1. Engaged in written debate via X and repeatedly dodged when cornered.

    • Proposition (Pro): "representing the protein content of beans by dry weight is misleading."


Austin Herbert

Social: @AdamSinger


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition: failed to state position clearly.


Bart Kay

Social: @Bart_WT_Kay


  1. Debate invitation declined via email.

    • Proposition (Agn): "a 100% Carnivore diet is the appropriate and best health choice for all people."

  2. Debate invitation accepted via email with no follow-up.

    • Proposition (Agn): "a 100% Carnivore diet is the appropriate and best health choice for all people."


Ben Bikman

Social: @BenBikmanPhD


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "the diet-heart hypothesis is false."


Benny Malone

Social: @bennymaloneUK


  1. Engaged in written debate via X and dodged when pressed for specifics.

    • Proposition (Pro): "eating oysters is compatible with veganism."


Brad Campbell

Social: @DrBradCampbell


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "canola oil kills you slowly."


Brad Cohn

Social: @BradCohn


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Pro): "Seed oils are not a significant, independent concern for public health."


Brad Marshall

Social: @fire_bottle


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Pro): "Seed oils are not a significant, independent concern for public health."


Brian Kateman

Social: @BrianKateman


  1. Debate invitation accepted and subsequently declined via email.

    • Proposition (Con): "being vegan is impossible."


Brian Kerley

Social: @SeedOilDsrspctr


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Pro): "seed oils are not a significant, independent risk factor for public health."

  2. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Pro): "seed oils are not a significant, independent risk factor for public health."


Carnivore Aurelius

Social: @AlpacaAurelius


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Agn): "vegans kill 100x more animals."


Cate Shanahan

Social: @drcateshanahan


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "seed oils are pro-inflammatory."

  2. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "those who defend seed oils are just regurgitating the garbage that the AHA pumps out."

  3. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "seed oils are toxic."

  4. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "current levels of seed oil consumption are the main driver of the obesity and chronic disease."

  5. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "Nick is just following the AHA marching orders."

  6. Debate invitation accepted via X and presumed retracted.

    • Proposition (Pro): "seed oils are not a significant, independent risk factor for public health."

  7. Debate invitation declined via email.

    • Proposition (Pro): "seed oils are not a significant, independent risk factor for public health."

  8. All further debate invitations presumed to be preemptively declined via X.

    • Proposition (Pro): "seed oils are not a significant, independent risk factor for public health."

  9. Debate invitation accepted and subsequently retracted.

    • Proposition (Con): "current levels of seed oil consumption are the main driver of heart disease."


Chris Boettcher

Social: @chrisboettcher9


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    1. Proposition (Con): "seed oils are making you fat, depressed, and sick."


Clemens Zsófia

Social: @AIWellnessCoach


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    1. Proposition (Con): "polyunsaturated fatty acids are known to initiate cancer."


Clemens Zsófia

Social: @ClemensZsofia


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    1. Proposition: failed to state position clearly.


Cliff Harvey

Social: @CarbAppropriate


  1. Debate invitation accepted via email and later declined via X.

    • Proposition (Con): "saturated fat in the diet does not independently increase the risk of mortality."

  2. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "saturated fat in the diet does not independently increase the risk of mortality."


Dave Feldman

Social: @realDaveFeldman


  1. Debate invitation conditionally accepted via X and later declined.

    • Proposition: failed to state position clearly.


David Diamond

Social: @LDLSkeptic


  1. Debate invitation declined via X.

    • Proposition (Con): "statin therapy is not warranted for a person high LDL-C on a low-carb diet."

  2. All further debate invitations preemptively declined via X.

    • Proposition (Con): "statin therapy is not warranted for a person high LDL-C on a low-carb diet."


David Gornoski

Social: @DavidGornoski


  1. Debate declined via X.

    • Proposition (Con): "polyunsaturated fatty acids cause obesity."


Diana Rodgers

Social: @sustainabledish


  1. Debate invitation extended via Instagram and presumed declined due to being deleted.

    • Proposition (Con): "saturated fat doesn't increase the risk of coronary heart disease."


Edward Goeke

Social: @GoekeEddie


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "seed oils are inflammatory."

  2. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "seed oils are inflammatory."


Elie Jarrouge

Social: @ElieJarrougeMD


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "sugar, refined carbs, and seed oils are poison."


Gary Brecka

Social: @garybrecka1


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "linoleic acid consumption causes atherosclerosis."


Gary Fettke

Social: @FructoseNo


  1. Debate invitation accepted via X with no follow-up.

    • Proposition (Pro): "at current Western levels of intake, dietary linoleic acid is not a significant, independent concern for the development of chronic diseases."


Gary Taubes

Social: @garytaubes


  1. Debate invitation declined via X.

    • Proposition (Agn): "carbohydrates cause starvation."


George Martin

Social: @CarnismDebunked


  1. Engaged in written debate via X and repeatedly dodged when pressed for specifics.

    • Proposition (Agn): "Nick has killed more animals in his life than a mature bear."


Guy Austin

Social: @GuyNAustin


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    1. Proposition: failed to state position clearly.

  2. Debate invitation declined via X.

    • Proposition (Pro): "seed oils are not a significant, independent concern for public health."


Ivor Cummins

Social: @FatEmperor


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "LDL does not cause coronary heart disease."

  2. Debate invitation declined via X.

    • Proposition (Con): "LDL does not cause coronary heart disease."


Jake Mey

Social: @CakeNutrition


  1. Engaged in written debate via X and dodged when cornered.

    • Proposition (Con): "Vegan Friday meals are unhealthy for children."

  2. Debate invitation declined via X.

    • Proposition (Con): "Vegan Friday meals are unhealthy for children."

  3. Imaginary debate invite preemptively declined via X.

    • Proposition (Con): "Vegan Friday meals are unhealthy for children."


James DiNicolantonio

Social: @drjamesdinic


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Pro): "dietary linoleic acid is not a significant, independent concern for the development of chronic diseases."

Justin Mares

Social: @jwmares


  1. Engaged in written debate via X and dodged when pressed for specifics.

    • Proposition (Con): "vegetable oils drive inflammation and are causally linked to weight gain and diseases of inflammation."


Joseph Everett

Social: @JEverettLearned


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "seed oils cause coronary heart disease and cancer."

  2. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "seed oils cause coronary heart disease and cancer."


Kait Malthaner

Social: @healthcoachkait


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "omega-6 is pro-inflammatory."


Kem Minnick

Social: @kemminnick


  1. Debate invitation accepted via X with no follow-up.

    • Proposition (Pro): "Seed oils are not a significant, independent concern for the development of chronic diseases."

  2. Engaged in written debate via X and blocked when cornered.

    • Proposition (Pro): "Seed oils are not a significant, independent concern for the development of chronic diseases."


Ken Berry
Social: @KenDBerryMD

  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "type 2 diabetes is chronic carbohydrate overdose."

  2. Debate invitation extended and dodged via X.

    • Proposition (Agn): "replacing animal fats with vegetable oils is dangerous."

  3. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Agn): "replacing animal fats with vegetable oils is dangerous."

  4. Debate invitation accepted via email and subsequently retracted.

    • Proposition: failed to state position clearly.


Kevin Stock

Social: @kevinstock12


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition: failed to state position clearly.

  2. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "saturated fat does not cause cardiovascular disease."


Kyle Mamounis

Social: @Nutricrinology


  1. Engaged in written debate via X but disengaged once cornered.

    • Proposition (Con): "statins do not prevent cardiovascular events."


Mark Sisson

Social: @Mark_Sisson


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition: failed to state position clearly.


Marty Kendall

Social: @martykendall2


  1. Engaged in written debate via X and blocked when cornered.

    • Proposition (Con): "to access your body fat, you need to deplete both glucose and fat from the blood first."


Max Lugavere

Social: @maxlugavere


  1. Engaged in written debate via X and dodged when pressed for specifics.

    • Proposition (Con): "seed oils consumption is associated with an increased risk of CVD and Alzheimer's disease."

  2. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "seed oils consumption is associated with an increased risk of CVD and Alzheimer's disease."

  3. Debate invitation declined via X.

    • Proposition (Con): "seed oils consumption is associated with an increased risk of CVD and Alzheimer's disease."


Michael Kummer

Social: @mkummer82


  1. Debate invitation declined via X.

    • Proposition (Con): "polyunsaturated fats cause cell damage, inflammation and metabolic dysfunction."


Michael Manderville

Social: @MikeManderville


  1. Engaged in written debate via X and dodged when pressed for specifics.

    • Proposition (Pro): "a logically coherent position will have logically coherent answer to a logically coherent hypothetical."


Mike Mutzel

Social: @MikeMutzel


  1. Challenged an egregious assertion and was ignored.

    • Proposition (Con): "COVID is nothing more than a cold to those that are healthy."

  2. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "there is little to no association between saturated fat and cardiovascular disease."


Mike Sweeney

Social: @thelowcarb_rd


  1. Debate invitation declined via X.

    • Proposition (Agn): "vegan diets are nowhere near appropriate for the average person in society."

  2. Debate invitation accepted via X with no followup.

    • Proposition (Agn): "statistical gymnastics don't inform on real world mechanisms and hard outcomes."

  3. Debate invitation extended via X and presumed declined due to blocking.

    • Proposition (Con): "Cheerios cause nausea, vomiting, seizures, irregular heartbeat, liver damage, and coma."


Nick Eggleton

Social: @NickEggleton


  1. Debate invitation declined via X.

    • Proposition (Agn): "polyunsaturated fats are poison."


Nina Teicholz

Social: @bigfatsurprise


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Agn): "the science linking red meat to heart disease is very weak."

  2. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Pro): "the available evidence supports limiting saturated fat intake for coronary heart disease risk reduction."

  3. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Agn): "vegans pretend biology isn't real."


Norstrong Chris

Social: @NNMChris


  1. Engaged in written debate via X and repeatedly dodged when cornered.

    • Proposition (Agn): "government funded USDA data is untrustworthy."

  2. Debate invitation declined via X.

    • Proposition (Agn): "nutrition science as a whole is shit."

  3. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Agn): "nutrition science as a whole is shit."


Paul Mason

Social: @DrPaulMason


  1. Nominated for debate with no follow-up.

    • Proposition: failed to state position clearly.

  2. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Agn): "Ancel Keys' Seven Countries Study was flawed."

  3. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Pro): "dietary linoleic acid is not a significant, independent concern for the development of chronic diseases."


Paul Saladino

Social: @paulsaladinomd


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Agn): "subsidies for corn and soy are huge contributors to the chronic disease epidemic in the US."

  2. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Pro): "seed oils are not a significant, independent risk factor for public health."

  3. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Agn): "to exclude animal foods from the human diet is a nutritional catastrophe."

  4. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Agn): "to exclude animal foods from the human diet is a nutritional catastrophe."

  5. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Pro): "nutritional epidemiology generally provides good causal estimates."

  6. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Agn): "linoleic acid wreaks havoc in your body."


Philip Ovadia

Social: @ifixhearts


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Agn): "sugar is the problem and meat is the solution."

  2. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "LDL doesn't cause coronary heart disease because it is just part of the arterial repair process."


Philippe Stephenson

Social: @TotalCytopath


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Pro): "seed oils save lives."


Ralph Napolitano

Social: @DrRalphNap


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "oatmeal is one of the worst foods you can eat and has no health benefits."


Raphael Sirtoli

Social: @raphaels7


  1. Debate invitation declined via X.

    • Proposition (Con): "the diet-heart hypothesis is false."

  2. All further debate invitations preemptively declined via X.

    • Proposition (Pro): "seed oils are not a significant, independent risk factor for public health."


Rob Meijer

Social: @EngineerDiet


  1. Engaged in written debate via X and repeatedly dodged when pressed for specifics.

    • Proposition: failed to state position clearly.


Robb Wolf

Social: @robbwolf


  1. Debate invitation declined via X.

    • Proposition (Pro): "ancestral foods are more likely to be antagonistically pleiotropic than novel foods."


Simon Goddek

Social: @goddeketal


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "vegetable oils increase the risk of heart disease."

  2. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "vegetable oils increase the risk of heart disease."

  3. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "vegetable oils increase the risk of heart disease."


Travis Statham

Social: @Travis_Statham


  1. Debate invitation extended via Reddit and ignored.

    • Proposition (Pro): "seed oils do not cause obesity."

  2. Debate invitation extended via Reddit with no response.

    • Proposition (Pro): "seed oils do not cause obesity."


Tristan Haggard

Social: @Trxstxn4


  1. Debate invitation extended via X and presumed declined due to repeated dodges.

    • Proposition (Agn): "seed oils are toxic."


Tro Kalayjian

Social: @DoctorTro


  1. Engaged in written debate via X and dodged repeatedly before blocking.

    • Proposition (Pro): "Dr. Tho engages in shitty behaviour that causes people to dislike him."


Tucker Goodrich

Social: @TuckerGoodrich


  1. Engaged in written debate via X and blocked when cornered.

    • Proposition (Con): "nutritional epidemiology is almost always wrong."

  2. Debate invitation accepted via X and subsequently declined before blocking.

    • Proposition: failed to state position clearly.

  3. Debate invitation declined via X.

    • Proposition: failed to state position clearly.

  4. All further debate invitations preemptively declined via X.

    • Proposition: failed to state position clearly.


Zoe Harcombe

Social: @zoeharcombe


  1. Debate invitation extended via X with no response.

    • Proposition (Con): "saturated fat doesn't increase the risk of coronary heart disease."

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